Join Us in Cultivating a Thriving Community
Welcome to Rice Street Gardens, your local organic community garden celebrating diversity and the joy of gardening.
Alert: We are looking for new board members to carry the gardens into the future. Click here to learn more.
General Gardener Information
Before gardening, it's crucial to familiarize yourself with our rules and safety guidelines. Follow these steps:
Step 1: Register during the designated times.
Returning gardeners, starting February 1
Here is the sign-in link——
New gardeners, starting March 15
(Your name will go on our waiting list)
Step 2: Read the rules and guidelines below and watch an orientation movie.
Step 3: Attend one training session at Galilee Lutheran Church (across the street from the gardens) and pay your plot fee: April 5, 11, or 25
Here is the official schedule, must attend one:
Saturday, April 5
1pm Nepali speakers
2pm Karen speakers
3pm English speakers
Friday, April 11
4pm Karen speakers
5pm English speakers
6pm Nepali speakers
Friday, April 25
4pm English speakers
5pm Nepali speakers
6pm Karen speakers
Be sure to bring identification including your address. Only one plot per household.
Rules and Agreements
English (below):
Complete annual orientation & pay plot fee, one plot per household.
Volunteer to help maintain property as needed.
Take all personal trash home or in a container bin. Do not put trash in compost or toilet.
Keep grounds & paths clear of weeds, rocks, glass, trash, buckets, debris.
Do not waste water & refill water tank after using.
Use organic products only, no chemicals, herbicides, pesticides allowed.
No smoking, no chewing/spitting, no abusive language, no weapons.
Supervise family & guests while at garden.
Respect fellow gardeners, their items & plots.
Tools & compost provided for Rice Street Gardeners only.
Cross street at signaled intersections.
Clean up & clear out personal items by 10/19/2025.
Notify Council if you no longer want a plot. Plots cannot be given to others.
Break a rule, lose your plot.
Gardeners, family members or guests cannot sue the Board of Water Commissioners of City of Saint Paul, Galilee Lutheran Church, or Rice Street Gardens.
Gardener Orientation Movies
2025 Season Plan

February: Registration for returning gardeners.
March: Registration for new gardeners; waiting list notification.
April 5, 11, or 25: Training and Fee Collection Days.
$20 plot fee payment during training sessions (no online payments).
May 1: Plot assignments posted; start plot work. Water turned on, port-a-podies in place, trash collection starts.
There will be occasional "garden work days" and celebrations. Watch for texts and emails with details.
October 19: Gardens must be cleared out